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Bright Idea Deck

Yellow Controlling VERDICT



providing a final answer, answering with authority (even when the verdict displeases others), objective decision making, getting to the point, submitting to proper authorities, evenhandedness.

Cautions against:

favoritism, reactions to decisions, snap judgments, turning over control to those who do not merit such submission, asking the same question multiple times in hopes of getting a different answer.


  1. What is the mood of the judge? What kind of emotion does she project? How might these moods and emotions be involved in your situation?
  2. What skills or abilities would the judge employ in rendering a fair verdict? How might these suggest a strategy you should employ today?
  3. How do the reactions of the two other individuals differ? Who won? How can you tell? To what extent is your current situation limited (or caused) by a win/lose mentality?
  4. Who is empowered to examine the evidence and render a verdict in your current situation? What stands between you and the resolution that reaching e verdict would bring? How can you speed or facilitate the process of obtaining a verdict?
  5. How might a lack of fairness or impartiality figure in your current situation? How might a verdict passed earlier be the root of prejudice you're experiencing today?


Severity, we are certain, should be reserved for others. We want justice, and, confident the judgment will fall in our favor, we demand a verdict now! Objectivity is a virtue, especially when verdicts are our venue. How adept are you at splitting hairs? How clearly can you distinguish fact from fantasy? How well-equipped are you to render a reasoned response? Now's the time to find out-the court is waiting, and the jury is looking to you for the truth.